Is it against to rules to just MAKE UP a Christmas picture?? Here are our best faces in ONE picture. I didn't really have to find a good one of Sean...the man is like a cookie cutter when it comes to these pictures. He looks good in every one. I on the other hand had trouble finding one that I didn't have a crazed look in my eyes. So as you can see we are still on the hunt for a Christmas picture. We have some candidates that if by Wednesday have not been replaced by better photos can and will be used. You may be thinking to yourself. Why spend time in photoshop making this ridiculous photo?? I find it therapeutic. I thought maybe if it was just crazy enough it would be good. Nope...didn't work. Now onto our Christmas letter.....fake one of those too??
Update on Ian. He has had a lot of firsts these last couple of days. He took his first steps!! I'm am so very sad that I missed them, but Daddy got to see them. We don't think it will be long until we're running after him. He also took his first road trip this weekend and got to meet some family. He did really well. He slept well in his pack-n-play and even rode in the car well. This gives us great hope for next week!! We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas that we won't be seeing or have addresses for. Have a safe and happy holiday season!!
That is a GREAT Picture.......
That is so funny! I love your "Christmas Picture"!
I think its perfectly acceptable to cut and paste your Christmas picture...its not like you are airbrushing everyone :)
Have a great holiday!
I love the picture! What a sweet family:)
I stumbled upon your blog via the Burns Family. I just had to say that I feel your pain with regards to a Christmas picture! And I love your approach! :)
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