After reading another couple's blog about their care package to their little guy, I got on the phone and asked our social worker if she knew of anyone traveling to Korea that wouldn't mind taking a little package with them. She gave me the name and number of a couple that is waiting for their travel call any day now. It is their second trip to Korea for their second son. They said they'd be happy to take it for us. It is so very nice of them to take it with them. I hope we can do the same for someone when it is our turn. So as you can see from the picture I put together a little photo album and got him a little blankie. (The jellybeans are for his foster family).
While I was talking to our social worker she gave me some surprising news. Our legal paperwork came today! A whole week earlier than she predicted! Which is FAN-TASTIC!! So she sent them on to DCFS and we'll wait to hear from them in the next 2-3 weeks. We're overjoyed that our first step took a shorter amount of time than expected, I hate to get my hopes up that the rest of the process will be quicker than we except too. But maybe....just maybe!!
Great news about your Legals arriving! May they have a very quick trip through DCFS and get through there in record time!
What wonderful news about your legals! And how great that your little one will have something from your family to hang on to!
(from yahoo group)
I'm so glad you found someone to take a package for you...
just think, in a few months you can do the same for someone else!
That is so nice of the other family to deliver your care package to the foster family! I hope there is someone willing to do that when we get our referral! Also, we are very happy for you to have received your legals so fast - wonderful news!
What a wonderful idea! You picked out such a cute blanket! :) We're anxiously awaiting your arrival Baby Boy Henson, but certainly not as much as your Mommy and Daddy (Cydney, too)!
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