We got "the call" yesterday! We met with our social worker today to confirm our referral. Here is what we know about him. His Korean name is Jee Han (Gee Hon) Kim. He was born in Seoul on February 23, 2008. He weighed about 6 pounds. He gets excited when he sees his bottle. He's soothed by being patted. He likes to have his legs massaged when he gets his diaper changed. He drools and can roll from one side to the other. He likes to shout when he's happy!
Here are the three pictures we have of him. The first is him at 5 months, the next one is him with his foster mom, and the last one is his newborn picture.
It looks like if all the paperwork goes well we will pick him up in November or December. Just maybe in time for Christmas!!! Our social worker did have some news to be weary of, though. Korea only issues so many passports for orphans a year. If they meet their quota then we may have to wait until next year. But there are fewer referrals this year, so who knows. I only say it because I'm trying to prepare myself in case it should happen. Just thought you might like to be prepared too. That was the only slightly discouraging news she gave us.
Cydney is very excited. She's been studying his picture and telling everyone she's going to be a big sister. I'm not sure she totally has the concept of it yet, but she seems to understand more each time we talk about it.
We are over the moon with excitement! When our social worker called, she asked if I wanted her to fax the information to me. Well, yeah!! I tell you, a fax machine has never worked sooo slowly. :-) But once I saw that little face he became so very real.
There was a quote from Elizabeth Barret Browning on another couple's blog (Rachel & Josh's...for those of you who would know) that I thought is so very true. "God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame."
Congratulations. He is soooooo cute. We will pray you get to travel before christmas.
Congratulations to your family! Looks like the same three poses of pictures we got two weeks ago. Standard Eastern Social Welfare pics I suppose. :) Here's hoping you get to travel before the end of this year, as soon as possible!
He is simply adorable! Love the photos, how precious. Thank you for sharing them with us.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your paperwork flies through the process and that your son is home before Christmas.
YES!!!!!!!! Congratulations on becoming a family of four! He is adorable. :) We'll be praying you can bring him home before Christmas. Yeah!
Your son is absolutely adorable! I cannot get over how cute he is. I actually made my friend go to your blog last night to see how cute your little guy is. May his journey home to your arms be a fast one. I hope he is home to celebrate Christmas with you!
Jill and Sean~ I randomly check your blog through Krista and Blake's. I am so happy for you both. What an amazing journey you have been on and are about to embark on! I will continue to pray that the transition time goes quickly and you can be holding your son on Christmas morning!
Congratulations! Isn't it amazing how the wait just disappears when you see his picture and know you were waiting for him?
Hope you have him in your arms soon!
This is the 1st chance I've had to sit down and visit my fellow Lifelink Waiters' blogs in awhile...
congratulations! He is adorable...I love the red chair pictures and am so glad anothe Waiter has a set of her own to share!
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