Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ian has been Served!

Hopefully this is the only time in his life that this will happen. Yesterday we met our lawyer. Well, more like his assistant and saw his office. We got the paperwork started to finalize Ian's adoption. Korea's rules are that the adoption is finalized in the US, six months after we arrive home. Our court date won't be for a while yet, but I knew there was paperwork and regulations that took some time to complete, so I wanted to get the ball rolling. It was really an interesting experience. Our lawyer's assistant took us around the court house completing paperwork. Our last stop was the department that "serves" people their paperwork to be present in court. According to the law, Ian is supposed to physically except the paperwork from the Lady working in this department. "Good luck, Lady." Was my only thought. She waved the paperwork at him and he did his shy pose (burying his head in my shoulder...I love that). His thoughts probably were (sorry, if this gets old...): "This is a trick! At home they don't let me play with paper, because it tastes so good and they're afraid I won't eat dinner. And I'm not supposed to take papers from strangers." Finally I took his hand and placed it on the paperwork and they called it "served". Phew! I thought we might be there all night. We celebrated with a trip to McDonald's. That's right, we celebrate BIG at our house. ;-)

Because yesterday was such a big day Ian's cold has gotten worse. Poor guy. You wouldn't know it to watch him. He just goes about his exploring, but when you look at his little face you can see how miserable he is. A trip to the doctor didn't provide any medicine, so he's got to just wait it out. Blah.... I'm just hoping he feels better in time for his birthday party. Cydney is so excited about his party. She's been picking out dresses in her closet for a few days now. She's hoping that there will be music for dancing. :-)


Jen said...

Sounds like you are having fun at your house! Please keep us informed about your readopt process... I don't know much about it yet.

I hope that Ian gets over his cold soon! My heart hurts every time my little guy gets sick... which thankfully isn't often!

Jen said...

I hope that Ian is feeling better soon!

Please keep us informed of your readoption process. I don't know much about how it all works... so I would love to follow along!

Kara said...

Congrats on starting the official process! Hope your little guy is better soon.