We are here!! It is so good to be home. Ian is doing well. We are enjoying getting to know him and his little isms. He is a relatively easy going baby. He is tending to do his grieving at night. It breaks our hearts when he does, but we're working through it. Here is a picture of Ian's last sunset in Korea. We said good-bye and that we'll be back someday! The flight home was a loooong one. Ian slept for about 3 hours total. He is also cutting 3 teeth the poor guy. He has taken to Sean very well. Sean seems to be the only one that can soothe him. He lets me hold him and feed him, but only Dad will do when he's sad. I'm so glad that one of us is able to soothe him when he's sad. Cydney is being such a good big sister. She doesn't like to hear him cry so when he does she goes and finds the "best" toys to bring him so he'll be happy again. Ian is likewise in awe of her. He likes to seek her out. Here is a picture of her watching TV and Ian checking on her.
We're slowly exposing Ian to different things in our lives. Sean is in the other room as we speak playing the guitar for him. It is never too soon to start him on a musical instrument. ;-) It kind of looks like Ian is dancing. :-)
I'll leave you with a few pictures of Ian this morning. He seems to be happiest when he is clothes free.
Welcome home Ian! He is so adorable. The picture of you two looking at the last sunset brought tears to my eyes.
Joanna (lifelink-er)
So glad to hear you made it home safely! We've been thinking and praying for you lots. Blessings as you settle in to your new family of four! Jill, Tom, Aidan, & Nolan
He looks so very happy! I also love the sunset pic - he looks like he is waving goodbye.
He is beautiful!! I'm so glad you are all home safely. I can only imagine how difficult the transition must be for Ian and for you to have to watch it happen. I will continue to pray that he is at peace soon, although from the looks of those pictures he is a happy little guy despite it all. Congratulations and thank you for keeping us posted. I look forward to more updates:)
Welcome home!!!
I'm so very glad that you all arrived home safely and that you are settling in nicely. Enjoy your bonding time at home. Take as long as you need to get him all settled in!
Welcome home! Ian is one handsome little guy! Praying that he gets adjusted to life with his forever family soon!
~ Rachel
I am so glad to hear from you and see pictures. He looks so happy! I want so badly to talk to you about all that is going on in your lives, but know you need time. Give me a call when you have a minute or send me an email if that is easier. I am glad you don't have a counter on your blog... I have been checking it like a stalker. I am so happy for your growing Henson family. I miss you.
Oh how precious!!!! It is so touching to see pictures of all of you home together.
I am glad to hear things are going relatively well. I hope the days ahead are full of wonderful special "firsts" for your new family of four. Enjoy it!
What a cutie!!! So glad you all made it home safe and sound! Love the sunset picture!!!!!
I am so happy for you that you are home now with your son. Ian is adorable - mohawk and all! I think it is so beautiful that you have a picture of his last sunset in Korea. That is so special. Thanks for sharing this amazing journey with us.
WHAT an ANGEL he is! Glad your trip went well,and everyone is SAFE at home.
Ian so cute. Cyndey looks like she going to be the best big sister to Ian. I love his hair.
You Guys! This is so precious! We are so excited and happy for you. Can't wait to meet him! The kids look so cute together.
Congrats! What a wonderful story, nice humor, warms the heart. My Japanese husband had stick-up hair as a baby too - have patience.
Really enjoyed reading about your experiences and I'm sure Ian will too someday. What a keepsake for him!
Thanks for taking the time to share.
Cousin Carol from California
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