Hello, First of all I apologize for not getting these pictures up sooner. I am now officially on Spring Break and to celebrate I made myself a list of things to do...the first being to post Ian's second birthday!!

Here he is with his basketball cake, or what is supposed to be a basketball cake. He seemed a little sheepish while we sang to him and loved the jello more than the cake, but it is all for the photo right? And what do you do with a cake mold?? Why play with it of course!

Stacy if you're reading this, we DID wash the mold after we had our fun with it. :-)
We have been doing other things before the birthday and cake mold fun. We had a great time celebrating the Korean New Year with many adoptive families from the area. We had a fantastic buffet at a Korean restaurant and then dressed the kids up in their hanboks to "ring" in the new year. Ian loved the soup and had 4 bowls! Which the owner informed us was a good thing, because according to tradition you can't move into the new year until you've eaten your soup. Ian's going to have a very BIG year, I guess.

Now that Ian is 2, I am learning about things that we are not going to be doing with such ease that we did before. Ever since Ian came home I have been cutting his hair (not well, but it got the job done). Now that he's 2 I've learned that you can't cut a 2 year old's hair that DOESN'T WANT his hair cut! I refer you to exhibit "A" below...

I put a hat on him for the rest of the day and we were able to get some professional help that afternoon. Phew!! I think we will be seeking professional help from now on for all his hair needs. :-)
Cydney managed through Ian's birthday fairly gracefully. She did have a little trouble with his gifts. After waiting 10 seconds after he opened his gifts she'd ask, "Ian, are done with that?"
She is doing more and contemplating more everyday. She has big plans for when she's a Mommy. She asked me the other day if I could help pick out a Daddy for her babies and help name him!! I did tell her that they usually come with names. :-)
Ian has the whole town mapped out in relation to the Barnes and Noble where the choo choos are. We were coming out of another store the other day and he whipped around to point in the direction of the book store (that he couldn't see) to ask if we could go. He also watches for it out the window when we're driving. Silly guy.
I hope we can go outside soon and enjoy some nice sunshine. It has been a long winter and we can't wait to start playing in the yard again! Happy soon to be spring!!