Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

A mermaid and a pirate come together to pillage cooperating homes for candy.

Happy Birthday, Cydney!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of School

Oh the first day of school. We had one excited Kindergartner this morning. She was fully dressed and ready to go before my feet had hit the floor. My feet didn't really want to. This was the day she was to go ON HER OWN out into the world. What happens if she's sad, someone is mean to her, she can't open her milk at lunch, or just feels lonely. Wait...that might be me.
Ian has been equally as sad to so see her go. We're both trying to find our way as just the two of us. I like having just one to focus on. No guilt.
I know our jobs as parents is the prepare our kids for the world outside. But today I'm questioning that task. Perhaps if I socially cripple Ian, he'll stay by my side forever......and be a very unhappy 20-something.

Sigh.....it is a part of life. I couldn't be happier that Cydney is so excited. I hope she keeps that excitement for the rest of her education. Just as long as she gives me a big hug sometimes. :-)