No, this is no April fools joke...I'm actually posting a message! I apologize for being so silent for so long. Time has been getting away from me, but please except my apology with many pictures of the kids. So much has happen since I last posted. We've had visitors, swim lessons, doctor visits, and oh, yeah! A court date has been set to finalize Ian's adoption!! Woohoo!!

Here is another big accomplishment...we turned Ian's car seat around to face forward now. He giggled the whole way to our first destination after we turned him (he giggled like we'd forgotten to turn him around). :-)

Ian has also been busy supervising Cydney's job of feeding the dog. She gives him the lid to dog food container and he bangs it on the floor while she dishes out the food. Kind of like a "come and get it" bell for Amos.

Cydney got a metal for finishing her sports class at the YMCA. She was so proud of her metal that she wore it for days. After she got tired of it, Ian tried wearing it for a day, but decided it was too long.

Here they are in the wagon (on one of our nice days not too long ago), getting ready to ride to the park. Cydney had instructions to not let him jump from the moving wagon and she took it very seriously. I'm not sure Ian could breath most of the way there, but he was safe. ;-)

I was trying the get a picture of Cydney and Ian in their "Big Sister" and "Little Brother" shirts before they got too big to wear them. This was as close and happy as they got during my photo session.

And lastly, we are in full Easter celebration around here. Just like the Christmas photo there isn't a photo that has both these bunnies smiling, so alas, a have a happy bunny and a bunny in headlights look. But they were sure good sports.

Since none of the previous pictures have Ian smiling, I thought I'd end with this one of him enjoying a dip in the sink. Sometimes a meal is just that good, that he needs a dip in the sink rather than be spot cleaned.
I promise to not let as much time go until the next post. Some things that I wish I could show you are Ian's new dance moves and Cydney's magic tricks. Ian's ears pick up music everywhere and he just starts dancing. His moves are fun...kind of a Charlie Chaplin meets Micheal Jackson thing. Cydney's tricks usually involve her waving her hands and exclaiming.."Ta Da...FIRE!" That makes Mommy nervous and has made her launch into fire safety and awareness, but Mommy also knows who to blame. ;-)
We wish everyone a fire free and Happy Easter!!